Trump Super Fan Threatens To Primary GOP Rep Over Impeachment Vote Failure

Jamiesfeast – Alex Bruesewitz, a GOP political consultant, has become a prominent online supporter of Donald Trump in recent years. He staunchly defends the former president against attacks and consistently takes the offensive to provoke Trump’s adversaries, including Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Joe Biden.

But Bruesewitz has shifted his focus to a new target: Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) after the failed House vote to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday.

In a conversation with The Daily Beast on Wednesday night, Bruesewitz announced his intention to establish an exploratory committee for challenging the Wisconsin Republican in a primary election. He cited the vote as the key motivation behind his decision to run.

During a phone interview with The Daily Beast, Brueswitz expressed his opinion on Mike, stating that he is completely out of touch. According to him, Mike is not the type of fighter that their party needs at this moment. Brueswitz further mentioned that the voters of Wisconsin’s 8th district will have the chance to hold him accountable.

Hailing from Ripon, Wisconsin, which is considered the birthplace of the GOP, located just outside the district, Bruesewitz has gained prominence as a prominent supporter of the MAGA movement. When Gallagher was contemplating a Senate run, Bruesewitz even considered running for Gallagher’s seat. However, when Gallagher ultimately decided not to challenge Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and instead seek re-election to his House seat, Bruesewitz gracefully stepped aside.

Until yesterday, at least.

After the unsuccessful vote to impeach Mayorkas, Bruesewitz expressed no concerns about Gallagher. However, following the vote, Bruesewitz changed his stance, stating that Gallagher is simply not trustworthy.

“I will be establishing an exploratory committee,” Bruesewitz announced. “Within the next few weeks or days, we will be conducting a thorough assessment. We plan to organize various events and engage with MAGA supporters both within and outside the district to gauge public sentiment and gather feedback.”

After Tuesday’s unsuccessful resolution, which fell short of adoption by just one vote, Bruesewitz wasted no time taking to social media to express his disappointment. In a tweet, he criticized Gallagher, stating that he is a disgrace to both Wisconsin and the Republican Party. Bruesewitz went on to describe Gallagher’s vote as unforgivable.

Gallagher, who did not respond to a comment request immediately, was one of three Republicans who voted against impeaching Mayorkas for “repeatedly violating laws enacted by Congress regarding immigration and border security.” (The other two were Reps. Ken Buck (R-CO) and Tom McClintock (R-CA).)

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, Gallagher defended his decision to vote against impeaching Mayorkas. He argued that impeaching the Homeland Security Secretary would establish a harmful precedent that could be utilized against future Republican administrations.

Bruesewitz wasn’t convinced by Gallagher’s explanation. According to him, Democrats had already established a precedent by impeaching Trump twice, which he believes was based on unfounded claims.

In 2019, Trump faced his first impeachment for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. This occurred when he contacted Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and used the prospect of withholding military aid from Ukraine as leverage to pressure Zelensky into announcing an investigation into Biden. Trump’s second impeachment took place just a week after the events of January 6th, as he was charged with inciting an insurrection following the attack on the Capitol.

Despite the ongoing support of GOP voters for Trump, Bruesewitz recognizes an opportunity to position himself as a viable alternative to Gallagher, appealing to those who align themselves with the MAGA movement.

The Wisconsin College Republicans wasted no time in announcing their endorsement of Bruesewitz should he decide to enter the race. Joining them in support is none other than Roger Stone, former campaign manager for Donald Trump.

Bruesewitz shared with The Daily Beast that Stone is expected to join him on the campaign trail after the establishment of the exploratory committee.

Stone expressed his endorsement for Bruesewitz’s potential campaign, stating that he would receive unwavering support from the MAGA movement.

Unsurprisingly, supporters of Trump were quick to show their backing for Bruesewitzโ€”albeit anonymously.

According to one Trump ally, if Alex decides to challenge Mike Gallagher in the primary, the entire MAGA movement will rally behind him in full force.

A fellow Trump supporter echoed these sentiments, specifically calling out Gallagher in a manner that might give other lawmakers pause before defying Trump.

According to another Trump ally who spoke on background, the situation for Mike Gallagher is of his own making. They believe that voting against Alejandro Mayorkas, given his track record as a disaster at the border, should have been an easy decision. In contrast, Alex Bruesewitz, who has strong connections to Trump and enjoys support from both the House and the Senate, could prove to be a formidable opponent if he decides to enter the race. Moreover, his close ties with pro-Trump donors in Palm Beach and Mar-a-Lago who are furious at Gallagher further strengthen his position.

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