New York Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney nominates Trump for Nobel Peace Prize for his role in Abraham Accords

Donald Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize once again. This time, the nomination comes from Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY), who highlighted the former president’s contribution to the historic Abraham Accords in her recommendation for this prestigious award.

โ€œDonald Trump was instrumental in facilitating the first new peace agreements in the Middle East in almost 30 years,โ€ Tenneyย said in a statementย Tuesday. โ€œFor decades, bureaucrats, foreign policy โ€˜professionals,โ€™ and international organizations insisted that additional Middle East peace agreements were impossible without a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.โ€

President Trump debunked this falsehood. โ€œPresident Trump proved that to be false.โ€

The accords, which involved Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, and Bahrain, represented a series of unprecedented normalization agreements. These agreements were considered to be among the most significant foreign-policy achievements of Trump’s presidency.

Republican Congresswoman Claudia Tenney argued that President Trump’s remarkable efforts in establishing the Abraham Accords have been overlooked by the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, highlighting the urgency of his nomination.


Representative of the 24th Congressional District in Upstate New York proceeded to draw a comparison between Trump and President Biden, asserting that the 81-year-old commander in chief exhibited “weak leadership.”

โ€œNow more than ever, when Joe Bidenโ€™s weak leadership on the international stage is threatening our countryโ€™s safety and security, we must recognize Trump for his strong leadership and his efforts to achieve world peace,โ€ Tenney said.

โ€œI am honored to nominate former President Donald Trump today and am eager for him to receive the recognition he deserves.โ€

Donald Trump, aged 77, has received multiple nominations for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize before Congresswoman Tenney put forth her recommendation.

In 2020, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a former chairman of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and a member of the Norwegian Parliament, nominated Trump for the prize. He acknowledged Trump’s efforts in the Abraham Accords as the basis for his nomination.

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Magnus Jacobsson, a member of the Swedish Parliament, nominated the 45th president in 2020 for his instrumental role in brokering a historic peace deal between Serbia and the breakaway republic of Kosovo.

Australian law professor David Flint nominated Trump once again in 2020 for his implementation of a foreign policy philosophy called the “Trump Doctrine.” According to Professor Flint, this doctrine has successfully kept the United States away from engaging in “endless wars.”

Laura Huhtasaari, a member of the far-right Finns Party and a representative in the European Parliament, has nominated Trump for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize.

The announcement of the prize winner will take place in October.

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