Man Protests Migrants Arriving in Colorado Springs Along Interstate 25

Jamiesfeast – This week, you might have seen a man in Colorado Springs walking along Interstate 25 with an American flag and a sign that says “Illegals Not Welcome.”

Brett Dayberry, a resident of Colorado Springs for many years, expressed that he visited several spots along I-25 this week. These locations included the Colorado Springs sign near the North Gate exit and the Interquest bridge over the highway. Brett’s purpose was to raise awareness and voice his opposition against the influx of migrants traveling from Denver to Colorado Springs.

Dayberry expressed the importance of making sure individuals traveling from the north, particularly those coming from Denver to Colorado Springs, are aware of the distinct atmosphere and vibes that the city has to offer.

On Wednesday, we spotted Dayberry on the Academy bridge over I-25 during our investigation. We approached him and inquired about the reason behind his protest.

According to him, the moment that Denver began sending migrants to their community and impacting their lives was when he realized the need to bring attention to this issue.

KRDO13 recently reported that in the last four to five weeks, 23 families, who identified themselves as migrants, have relocated from Denver to Colorado Springs. However, El Paso County Commissioners have made it clear that they will not offer sanctuary to these migrants. According to them, the county is not equipped to handle the financial burden associated with the current migrant crisis.

County officials expressed empathy towards the challenges faced by migrant families. However, they believe that the federal government’s failure to close the border has given migrants false hope that their needs will be fulfilled in the United States.

Colorado Springs Mayor Yemi Mobolade made it clear that he has no intention of inviting the crisis into the city. He emphasized that Colorado Springs is not a sanctuary city. Dayberry expressed concern about the potential impact of an influx of migrants on the safety of the city’s residents.

According to Dayberry, there are an overwhelming number of individuals crossing the border whom we have no information about. He believes that the issue has become highly polarized and often gets labeled as racist. However, Dayberry’s perspective is focused on ensuring the safety of our country.

Dayberry stood on the bridge Wednesday morning, protesting, and received support from passing cars. Horns were honked, and one person even stopped to thank him. He mentioned that he has not encountered any negative reactions so far.

During the encounter, Dayberry shared, “He noticed the flag initially, and when I pointed out the sign to him, he gave a thumbs up and expressed his gratitude by saying, ‘Hey, thanks for what you’re doing.'”

According to KRDO13, the Salvation Army in Colorado Springs has been providing assistance to numerous migrants. Doug Hanson, a representative from the Salvation Army, stated that the shelter has supported a total of twenty-three families in the past four to five weeks. On average, each family consists of three to four individuals.

Mobolade expressed gratitude towards the Salvation Army for their efforts in assisting these families. However, he emphasized that Colorado Springs is not intending to become a sanctuary city and “adopt a crisis.” On the other hand, El Paso County commissioners advised nonprofits against offering support to migrants.

KRDO13 Investigates contacted the Salvation Army to get an update on the number of migrants they have assisted and inquire about their ongoing support for migrants. In response, the nonprofit provided the following statement.

The Salvation Army is a nonpartisan, evangelical Christian, mission-driven organization responding to crises and to the needs of our communities. Because we’re a church, The Salvation Army believes the Gospel commands and compels us to care for people in need without discrimination of any kind. That’s not just an idea; it’s our long-standing mission statement for over 150 years.ย We are there to serve all who are in need as long as we have the capacity to help, motivated by the love of God. The Salvation Army is proud to be theย largest provider of sheltering for families experiencing homelessness in Colorado Springs. Immigrant-identifying families make up a very small proportion of the families we serve in our social services programs. To date 23 families have entered the shelter and have cycled through our program quickly enroute to another destination. Captain Doug Hanson, The Salvation Army Divisional Secretary for El paso County

Dayberry expressed uncertainty about the duration of his protest along I-25 but mentioned the possibility of relocating to the Salvation Army for his next demonstration.

โ€œWhen Denver and sanctuary cities like that chose to say, โ€˜Okay, we’re going to be a sanctuary city,โ€™ then you need to deal with the ramifications of that,โ€ Dayberry said. โ€œColorado Springs doesn’t need to deal with the ramifications of your decision.โ€

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