Hoyle Criticizes House Republicans’ Political Stunts About Immigration

Jamiesfeast – U.S. Representative Val Hoyle (OR-04) recently expressed her opposition to House Republicans’ non-binding resolution (H.Res. 957) regarding the southern border of the United States. In a statement, she firmly stated her disagreement with the resolution.

House Republicans are constantly discussing the border crisis, but they fail to take any action towards finding a bipartisan solution for our broken immigration system. If they truly wanted to address this issue, they would stop impeding President Biden’s efforts to strengthen border security. This includes supporting the hiring of more law enforcement personnel to handle the rising number of migrant encounters at the southern border. It is essential for them to engage in sincere and constructive problem-solving rather than obstructing progress.

In both 2008 and 2013, Congress had the opportunity to enact comprehensive immigration reform that would have included substantial funding for border security. However, congressional Republicans decided to reject the deal at that time. Unfortunately, history seems to be repeating itself as they are now once again walking away from the possibility of passing such legislation.

Speaker Johnson expressed his belief that passing comprehensive immigration reform would be a challenging task for Congress. However, as elected officials, we have a responsibility to tackle difficult issues and find solutions that benefit the American people. I am fully committed to undertaking this important work and I urge my House Republican colleagues to shift their focus from complaining to taking action. We cannot afford to treat the safety and security of our nation as a mere political game. The American people deserve decisive leadership and tangible results.

The speaker of the House should represent the entire House, not just the Republican conference, and he should behave accordingly.

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