Elections Official Presents Compelling Evidence To Remove Trump From Illinois Ballot

Jamiesfeast – In a recent Illinois State Board of Elections hearing, a hearing officer presented compelling evidence that was described as “absolutely damning.” This evidence was brought forward in response to a call to remove Donald Trump from the state’s primary ballot due to his involvement in the Capitol insurrection.

According to retired Republican judge Clark Erickson, the elections board does not have the authority to remove Trump from the ballot. Therefore, he urged the board to drop the case and argued that the matter should be resolved in the courts.

Erickson conducted an examination of Trump’s involvement in the Capitol storming on January 6, 2021. This examination was prompted by a challenge from five voters, two law firms from Chicago, and the voting rights organization Free Speech for People. They pointed to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits individuals who engage in insurrection from holding public office.

According to Erickson, the ex-president executed a well-orchestrated scheme to disrupt the peaceful transition of power following his defeat in the presidential election. He attempted to mask his actions by weakly advocating for peace.

According to the findings obtained by WBEZ in Chicago and CNN, it has been determined that Trump acknowledged the occurrence of violence at the Capitol and was aware that the individuals present were there to show support for him.

According to Erickson, Trump’s tweet criticizing Mike Pence’s actions during the Capitol riot, where he refused to discard electoral votes certifying Joe Biden’s win in the election, is a clear contradiction to his later denial of involvement in the insurrection. Erickson considers this tweet to be absolutely damning evidence.

According to the retired judge, Trump was aware of the attacks happening because the assailants believed his claims about the election being stolen. The judge further stated that Trump’s tweet had no other purpose but to exacerbate the situation.

Fien expressed confidence that the elections board and Illinois courts will uphold Judge Erickson’s thorough analysis, leading to Trump’s disqualification from office.

The decision to drop the case will be voted on by the Illinois Board of Elections, consisting of Democrats and four Republicans, according to CNN. If the recommendation by Erickson is approved, there is a possibility of appealing the decision to state courts.

On February 8, the U.S. Supreme Court will be addressing the matter of Trump’s legal eligibility as a candidate. This review stems from the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to prevent Trump from appearing on the primary ballot due to the Constitutional prohibition on insurrectionists.

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