Charges Dropped For Mississippi Boy Detained After Public Urination

Jamiesfeast – A 10-year-old boy who was detained in Mississippi for urinating in public had his case dismissed by a youth court judge on Monday.

Attorney Carlos Moore, along with LaTonya Eason and her son Quantavious, walked out of Tate County Youth Court on Monday, celebrating a well-deserved legal victory.

Moore clarified that there are currently no ongoing cases in Youth Court related to the child’s urination.

Quantavious sitting in the back of a Senatobia Police SUV last August caused a wave of outrage across the country. He was arrested for public urination when the police caught him relieving himself in an attorney’s private parking lot.

After the incident, the police chief of Senatobia made an announcement stating that one of the officers who were involved in the arrest of the child is no longer employed, and the remaining officers will face disciplinary action.

In December, a Youth Court Judge made a ruling that the young individual would be placed on three months of probation. As part of the probation, they were required to write a two-page book report on the legendary basketball player, Kobe Bryant. Failure to complete the assignment would result in them being labeled as a “child in need of supervision.” This case was resolved on Monday.

According to Moore, Judge Rusty Harlow has dismissed the petition filed by Tate County to declare Quantavious Eason as a child in need of supervision. As a result, Eason is no longer considered to be in that category.

Moore and the boy’s mother put up a strong fight for the decision.

LaTonya Eason expressed her satisfaction with the dismissal of the issues concerning her baby.

However, she explains that her son still suffers from emotional trauma due to the ongoing ordeal.

Moore has announced that he will file a federal civil lawsuit against the City of Senatobia and the police officers involved in the arrest and transportation of Quantavious Eason to the city jail. The lawsuit is expected to be filed later this month.

We have attempted to contact Senatobia Police, the Senatobia mayor’s office, and the city attorney for a comment regarding Monday’s events. As of now, we have not received a response.

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