10 Most Dangerous Cities In Ohio – Can You Guess The Full List?

According to Propertyclub, Ohio, situated in the heartland of America, is often considered the quintessential midwestern state. However, it is not without its fair share of challenges, ranging from violent crime and economic decline to drug abuse. In this article, we will delve into the ten most dangerous cities in Ohio.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Ohioย 

    1. Cleveland
    2. Chillicothe
    3. Athens
    4. Canton
    5. Dayton
    6. Portsmouth
    7. Mansfield
    8. Warren
    9. Springfield
    10. Whitehall

1. Cleveland

Cleveland, with a population of 367,991, holds the unfortunate distinction of being the most dangerous city in Ohio. It boasts a significantly high violent crime rate, standing at 5.5 times the state average and 4.3 times the national average. The city grapples with widespread poverty, a soaring unemployment rate, and the pervasive influence of the drug trade, all of which contribute to its alarming crime statistics. In fact, Cleveland is plagued by one of the highest murder rates in the entire nation, with residents facing a 1 in 59 chance of falling victim to a violent crime. Shockingly, the city recorded 164 murders, 1,505 robberies, and 4,280 assaults in 2022 alone, cementing its position as the most crime-ridden city in Ohio.

2. Chillicothe

Chillicothe, a city in Ohio, is recognized as one of the most dangerous cities due to its alarmingly high crime rate. With a population of only 22,000, Chillicothe experiences a crime rate that is four times higher than the state average and 3.7 times higher than the national average. The city faces significant challenges related to violent crimes, particularly sexual assault, which occurs at a rate 2.8 times higher than the national average. In 2020 alone, Chillicothe witnessed 111 violent crimes and 1,432 property crimes. The city’s drug trade contributes to its problems and is associated with a disproportionately high number of overdose deaths. Additionally, Chillicothe struggles with a poverty rate of 18%, and its residents face a 1 in 13 chance of becoming victims of any type of crime.

3. Athens

Athens, one of Ohio’s most dangerous cities, has a crime rate of 2,279 per 100,000 people. While it may not top the list, Athens suffers from high poverty rates, with 48.7% of its population living below the poverty line. This figure is more than three times the national average in the United States. The city’s median household income is a mere $32,000, nearly 60% lower than the national average. Additionally, the median home value in Athens is $196,000, just 10% lower than the national average. In 2022, the city’s house price to income ratio stood at 6.3, compared to the national ratio of 3.6.

4. Canton

Canton, Ohio, is notorious for its high crime rate, making it one of the worst cities in the state. With a population of 70,000, Canton has a staggering crime rate of 6,293 per 100,000 people, which is a whopping 168% higher than the national average. In the year 2022 alone, Canton witnessed over 1,000 violent crimes, including 16 murders, 155 robberies, and 729 assaults. These alarming statistics reveal the grim reality that residents of Canton face, with a 1 in 16 chance of falling victim to a crime. Additionally, Canton’s economic struggles contribute to its unfavorable reputation, as it holds the title of one of the poorest cities in Ohio, with a poverty rate of 30% and an unemployment rate of 10%.

5. Dayton

Dayton, Ohio, stands out as one of the most dangerous cities in the state. With a population of 140,000, Dayton ranks as the 6th largest city in Ohio. Unfortunately, the city’s crime rate is alarmingly high, reaching 4,932 incidents per 100,000 people, which is 110% higher than the national average. This means that there is a 1 in 21 chance of falling victim to some form of crime in Dayton.

In 2020 alone, the city witnessed 1,523 violent crimes, including 46 murders, 300 robberies, and 1,040 assaults. These figures are deeply concerning and highlight the pressing need for improved safety measures. Additionally, Montgomery County, which encompasses Dayton, has the 8th highest rate of drug overdose deaths in the entire United States.

The prevalence of drug-related issues directly contributes to the city’s high rates of both violent and property crimes. In 2020, property crime incidents in Dayton reached a staggering 5,391. This further emphasizes the urgent need for comprehensive strategies to address the underlying problems associated with the drug trade.

Unfortunately, the socio-economic factors in Dayton also contribute to its challenging crime landscape. The city has a poverty rate of 29.6%, coupled with an unemployment rate of the same percentage. These conditions create an environment that is susceptible to crime and pose significant challenges for the community.

To combat the crime issues in Dayton, it is crucial to implement targeted interventions that address the root causes, such as poverty and unemployment. By focusing on these underlying factors, the city can work towards creating a safer and more prosperous environment for its residents.

6. Portsmouth

Portsmouth, located on the north bank of the Ohio River, is considered one of the most dangerous cities in Ohio. With a population of 20,000 residents, the city has a crime rate of 5,360 per 100,000 residents, surpassing the national average by 128%. Additionally, Portsmouth faces significant challenges in terms of poverty, with a rate of 35% that is more than 105% higher than the national average. The city also struggles with a high unemployment rate of 10%, ranking fifth highest in the state. Portsmouth is notorious for its drug problem, with the highest drug overdose rate in the state, particularly in Scioto county. Consequently, the county has seen a rise in Hepatitis C cases due to drug use. Moreover, the city experiences an increase in drug-related deaths, robberies, murders, and a higher incidence of children being born addicted to prescription drugs. Considering these factors, Portsmouth ranks among the worst places to live in Ohio.

7. Mansfieldย 

Mansfield is home to approximately 46,500 people and has a crime rate of 4,703 per 100,000 residents, which is 100% higher than the national average in the United States. This means that individuals in Mansfield have a 1 in 22 chance of becoming a victim of a crime. The city, located in the rust belt of America, has experienced significant economic challenges due to the decline of manufacturing and retail jobs. Currently, Mansfield has an alarming unemployment rate of 10.3% and a poverty rate of 24.5%. In the year 2020 alone, there were 199 reported violent crimes and 1,816 property crimes in Mansfield.

8. Warren

With a population of 39,000, Warren experiences a crime rate of 3,240 per 100,000 people, making it 38% more dangerous than the national average and 50% more dangerous than the Ohio average. Residents of Warren face a 1 in 31 chance of falling victim to any crime. The city also grapples with a high poverty rate of 34.4%, exacerbated by the departure of manufacturing jobs from the area. Moreover, Warren is significantly impacted by the drug and opioid epidemic, which contributes significantly to the crime rate in the region. Trumbull County, to which Warren belongs, recorded the 9th highest overdose rate in the state in 2021.

9. Springfield

Springfield, with a population of 58,736, has a crime rate of 5,711 per 100,000 people, making it 143% more dangerous than the US average and 164% more dangerous than the Ohio average. Like many other cities in Ohio, Springfield is impacted by sparse job opportunities and poverty. The city has an unemployment rate of 8.9% and a poverty rate of 23%, contributing to the steady increase in crime rates. In 2020, Springfield reported 338 violent crimes, including 8 murders, 107 burglaries, and 171 assaults. The overall likelihood of becoming a victim of a crime in Springfield is 1 in 18.

10. Whitehall

Whitehall, an Ohio city, stands out as one of the most dangerous cities in the state due to its alarmingly high rate of violent crimes. With a crime rate that is 124% higher than the national average, residents of Whitehall face a 1 in 20 chance of falling victim to any type of crime. Surprisingly, despite its population of less than 19,000, the city recorded a total of 157 violent crimes in 2020, including 2 murders, 50 robberies, and 95 assaults. This disproportionately high rate of violent crime in such a small city is a cause for concern.

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